Sunday, 6 November 2011

Another trial success for the McComb Witten team

 I would like to thank the ladies and gentlemen of the jury who sat through two weeks of evidence and gave up their Saturday to deliberate.  They returned a fair and reasonable verdict that clearly weighed the totality of the evidence.  

This trial was a coming out party for Meghan Neathway and the McComb Witten litigation team.  Meghan did an amazing job as co-counsel on this trial.  She has a nose for detail and a heart of  a lion.  Meghan was a key contributor in the organization and selection of our evidence, refinement of our theory of our case, and preparation of our witnesses.  She did an amazing job with the witnesses she took at trial.  What I like most about Meghan's approach is her easy ability to be genuine even on a stage such as a jury trial.  Congratulations to you Meghan - you are a fine trial lawyer.

Anybody looking for a great Vancouver personal injury lawyer would be in great hands with Meghan.  Check out her bio:
Meghan Neathway's bio

Finally, our client is a class act.  A brilliant gentlemen with integrity and courage.  He suffered life threatening injuries and has the strength of character to make the most of his situation.  Two broken legs, brain injury, skull fracture, blowout fracture of his eye socket, fracture through a joint at the base of his skull, two broken bones in his back, and a shattered tailbone.  He made it out of his wheelchair 21/2 months later and was back at work 2 weeks after that!!!  ICBC told him that "he was the author of his own misfortune".  He had the courage to take his case to a jury and they found the driver that hit him 75% responsible for the accident.  Again, not exactly what we were looking for, but was a fair and  reasonable assessment of the evidence.  All in all the verdict was entered for $640,000 less 25% for contributory negligence.

The jury gave our client the resources to get the medical care he needs, compensated him for his past wage loss and gave compensation for the hit to his career and gave him a fair and reasonable amount for his pain and suffering.

Thank you to our client, our judge, Mr. Justice Abrioux, my colleague Meghan Neathway, and the jury.  It was great to see our justice system work.

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